Working and Professional Practices

May 2011

End of Year Thoughts.......

Just how fast has this academic year flown, here we are at the end of Year 1 and hopefully going forward into Year 2 in September.  I have found the year to be very rewarding, it has been hard work learning these new skills and delivering coursework on time.  I have no regrets on my decision to return to full time education, I have remained focused and done all that I felt was required of me to achieve all that I have. 

Year 2 will be a new challenge, one which I believe will be easier for me as I am now living in Swindon which gives me a far easier commute.  Living closer to my colleagues also gives us the opportunity to meet up and study together, it is a good to study together as it increases our motivation.....

Belbin - Results - Take 2

Not sure why this states I am not a good team workers, as I am....! It could be that I am a leader where I explore the opportunities, develop the contacts and negotiates the outcome for the group, rather than work with them.....

Learning Styles

SWOT for Year 2


   Organisational skills

 New Business

 Focus on the now


March 2011

Progress in other Modules

Today is the 27th March and I have finished all these assignments and some! thanks to a colleague who failed to delivery on a group project! I am not going to dwell on this issue as with hindsight I feel it was a great challenge for me to have to build the site from scratch in just 3 days to meet the Systems Development Assignment deadline due on 31st March.  Frustrations can Enhance Determination 

The results I have received to date are pleasing and I do feel that I have worked hard to get these results; for the past 6 months I have dedicated every spare hour I have to learn these new skills, I will say it has been easier in the winter months as this is my reclusive period, it could have been a very different outcome had this been a summer course.

Below is a copy of a posting I added to the main page of my blog on 1st March; illustrating where we were and what was required in the busy month of March, I can say with great pride and satisfaction, I MADE it....

Do one BIG thing today, then RUN like hell.....
Going into the final bend can be scary!

What's required:
1. Java - 3, oh bliss, thankfully it looks easier than the last
2. ITTW -  This is a bit of fun, until the report
3. Databases - who knows until it's delivered
4. WPP - Tie up the technical manual, complete the presentation
5. Systems Development - Smalltown auction site
6. Systems Design - Thanks Tim, all done there....

Video CV

As a surprise to us on a sunny Tuesday afternoon, our Lecturer Dee sprung on us an idea she had seen on Sky News; Video CV's the new upcoming tool for job applications! Equipped with her camcorder we were required to prepare to record our CV; Having spent 45 minutes preparing myself to become a 'movie star' there I was sat in front of the camera 'selling myself'.
Personally, I felt this was an awful experience as I prefer interactive communication, where I have a discussion with a fellow human not a machine!

I do not feel that the 'Video CV'  will become the norm.  I can see the benefit of their use in a Sales and Marketing function where the applicants would be working in a client facing roles, video CV's could demonstrate to the recruiter the persons ability to conduct themselves; including their presentation and verbal skills.

For the IT industry I do not feel these would aid successful recruitment as IT Professionals tend to have wider technical expertise and less public confidence, IT Professional who have worked in the industry for several years would have a wide range of technical skills to demonstrate, I feel  these would be presented to recruiters more effectively on a written CV.

Problem Solving

Problems are only issues if you let them! I completed the problem solving exercises with amusement, thinking outside of the box is one of my better skills which I have developed over many years! I have a logical mind which questions and challenges processes and situations and seeks solutions.

This is evidenced by the way I normally solve Phil's 'Brain Teasers' - always look at the bigger picture not just the vague information given.

I have encountered many problems (lack of understanding) during the past 6 months with the new skills being taught, I have addressed each problem on a case by case basis and researched the solutions, learning all I need to know to achieve my goal of passing this course.  OK, I am being over confident here as I still have 5 exams and a presentation to deliver.  I do not feel these final tasks will be a problem as I have the developed the skills required to succeed in this 1st year, thanks to a great group of Lecturers and Amazon's extensive stock of cheap books!

Work Placement

As part of this module I was required to complete a 'Work Placement' as I have been working for 30 years this was not the most challenging part of my course! The output from the work placement was a 'Technical Manual' - I produced this on the organisation restructure for my current employer.  I was tasked to work with the Commercial Director and the Operations Director to create the revised organisation structure and develop Job Specification for all head office roles.

I worked closely with the business functions to obtain an understanding of the different roles within the group, using this information I created the replacement organisation structure and devised the job specification and deliverable for each role.

My Employer signed off my Technical Manual with praise and will implement this new structure in to the organisation on 1st April 2011.

Job Qualities

Too pursue my chosen career I feel I need to offer the following skills:

Job Skills
BSc in Computing, in depth knowledge of the programming skills, Business function knowledge to be able to deliver business solutions, the flexibility to be able to offer my services globally.
Universal Skills
Advance user of standard office computer systems, creativity to be able to offer guidance in areas where solutions have not been considered, effective time management to ensure I am where I should be, when I should be there!
Personal Skills
Determination to succeed, confidence to analyse and question requirements, self motivation to be able to deliver on time, communication skills to attract and retain customers.

January 2011 - Happy New Year Everyone
Achievements in other Modules

With the first term behind us and many of our 1st assignments complete, its time to look ahead to the new term and the May exams;   I feel the 1st term has flown past quickly for all modules, there were times when I walked out of lessons thinking, 'what language was that'! may as well had been 'double-dutch'! Computer programming is a challenge I have found that the old theory, 'you get out of it what you put in' works; I head off to Amazon and buy the literature I feel I need to master the subject! I believe I am mking steady progress in all subjects, it helps that I enjoy what I am learning, this is my way forward in the world. It will give me what I want for the next 15 years prior to retirement; flexibility, creativity and hopefully a shed load of dosh!

December 2010

Career Analysis 

As a group we have explored possible career options and used the following two Career Analysis tools to determine our specialisation; interesting how mine have both come back with my ideal career choice being a Financial Adviser or Systems Analysis; both of my previous careers.... spooky, you bet!

Simple Minds Results

JED Quiz results:

These are the top four jobs that would suit me:

Financial adviser: Helps people and businesses to manage their money

Auditor: Checks the records that organisations keep about money

Solicitor: Gives expert legal advice and writes legal papers for clients

Public relations officer: Helps organisations to become well-known and have a good public image

What I felt I should be

My ideal job acording to me is as a Self employed Business Application Developer, these application will include financial markets software and Payrolls. I have extensive experience in Financial Services and Payroll and am currently widening my IT skills via my degree to allow me to achieve my goals.

Financial Adviser; interesting....

One of the jobs I should not consider is a Farm Worker, I agree with this as its Dirty, smelly and poorly paid....

My Colleagues Opinions on my Results

Comments: Anthony Metcalfe - Tuesday, 7 December 2010, 01:25 PM

after examining your post carefully and seeing that you want to be a "Self employed Business Application Developer" sounds like a perfect match to you, as at the beginning of the year you stated that you wanted to be self employed and designing HM applications and commercial databses for future retail. "Financial Adviser" may possibly be a good match as you like to talk alot and i think that you would be ok discussion peoples financial situations as it is one of the areas you work in. "Farm Worker" i agree with what you said about it, you prefer jobs that are inside.

Comment by Andy - Sunday, 12 December 2010, 12:44 PM

There should be a like button for your farm worker comment :P

My Career to Date

As a mature student I have worked for many years in industry. Part of my course requires me to attend a work placement (designed for real students)! So instead I will complete this part of my course via my current part time role;  My CV for my career to date can be seen by clicking on the link below:


November 2010 

Smart Targets (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-Related) November 2010

1. Too ensure I complete the current tasks required of me for each module, each week. Prior to moving ahead onto other subjects.
2. Too complete and hand in all my coursework assignments by the due dates.
3. Too pass this course with at least a Merit in May 2011

November 2010

SWOT Analysis


·         Motivation
·         Organisational skills

·         Graduation
·         New Business

·         Focus on the now

·         Distance
·         Weather Condition

October 2010

Learning Styles

We will look at Tuckham, Belbin and Kolb. These theroies are as follows:

Tuckham; Forming, Storming, Norming & Reforming

Belbin; Taxomony of People into boxes these are as follows; 
Plants; Generators of ideas innovative people
Resource Investigators; Initial planners, set up and go
Co-odinators; Chairpersons, they step back and see the bigger picture.
Shapers; Task focused driven by goals and what they can achieve.
Monitor Evaluators; Reflectors,thinkers, the whats going well and what's not
Team Workers; keeps the team focused
Implementors; looks at views and turns them into actions
Completers/Finishers; Perfectionists
Specialists; Passionate increasing own experience in field

I have completed the online Belbin test and my results show that I am mainly a shaper and an investigator which I agree with; I like to be given an issue and be left to research and deliver a solution.  I feel the teamworker score could be higher as I am generally good working in a team with a joint objective and am keen to share my experience with my peers.

Click on this link to see my Belbin Results - October 2010 


Kolb has a learning cycle theory, this includes:
1. (Feel) Concrete; Experience
2. (Watch) Observation and Reflection
3. (Think)Forming Abstract Concepts
4. (Do)  Testing in New situation

AES Learning Style Results
Oh dear no surprise here, never could keep my hands off...!  I learn by touching and doing, strange I can so relate to that, I have never read an instruction book in my life.

How does she Learn - Vark Results

The VARK Questionnaire Results
Your scores were:
  • Visual: 10
  • Aural: 1
  • Read/Write: 1
  • Kinesthetic: 4
You can find more information about your learning preferences in our downloadable book:
How Do I Learn Best? 
a student's guide to improved learning
You have a very strong Visual learning preference.


  1. Hey Jac-Jac! blog you got here! :P

    Okay comments...First of all, I agree with the VARK results. I believe you are pretty diagram/visually driven with good examples and instructions.

    For your strengths: Motivating is 100% correct. I feel you've helped me and kept my moral up when it started dipping. Thanks! :)

    I feel you're good at organisation as well.

    So a round up. Pretty much everything is correct. Good work!

  2. Jacqui......even when the weather has been awful (snow day ahhahaah ishmael) u have truly been the sunshine of our miniscule group...... Throughout the course, I can quite rightly say that you have become the leader of the pack (Chairperson if we were to Belbin Jargon this). You have set a fantastic and admirable example to the younger students and truly epitomised the the qualities of a good, hardworking student. In 2011/2011 academic year, if there were to be a team-based project, I would love the chance to work with you, so instead of HI-5 ing everytime we recieve our good solo assignment results, we can HI-5 together in reciept of earning a good team result. Thank you from not just myself but in behalf of all the lads in Computing FdSc 2010/2011 (fingers crossed we all make it for 2011/2012) and good luck for the rest of your exam.... Sayonara from Andy.....P.S. cant wait for our revision sess on the weekend....WOOP WOOP

  3. I know it's been really difficult for you to drive 100 miles 2 times a week, to come to college. I didn't think you will make it but since we started last September until last day you kept all on time plus your full time work on top of all, I believe now that you are a very strong woman and I'm sure that you will achieve you target and get all what you want,... wish you all the best my good strong friend.
