ITTW Assignment 1

5th January 2011

So here we go, the Assignment which has used all of my Christmas break give or take a few periods of relaxation and meeting friends. This coursework is worth 30% of my overall mark for this module, so lets hope I got it right....!

This assignment is made up of 3 parts:

The Report
Describing my blogging experience upto a maximum of 1,000 words with a 2 page appendix of the last few entries; This reports is worth 20% of the 30%.  The report is to be submitted on paper, I will add a link to it on here in a few days in case anyone would like a read!

The Blog
The blog itself and here it is with links to a selection of exercises I have completed in my 1st twelve weeks of this module; the blog and the exercises are worth 40% of the 30%.

The exercises to be included are as follows:

1. OnMouseOver: this demonstrates the technique of changing a picture when you move your mouse over the picture, click on the link below to see my work:

2. AlertBox: this demonstrates an alert box using JavaScript, click on the link below to see my work:

3. Xmas: this seem so long ago! the countdown to Christmas if you really want to know this early in the year! this demonstrates the use of the JavaScript date class, the alertbox and image backgrounds, click on the link below to see my work:

4. OnMouseOver a picture gallery:  this demonstrates the technique of using an gallery and controlling the images displayed with the mouse pointer, click on the link below to see my work:

Too follow have some issues with the web server cache! strange.....! Update on this issue (6th January), one of lifes mysteries; I have left it until this morning to re-attempt the upload of this one and No it still wasn't loading, so common sense prevailed and I renamed the pic's, amended the html and boom, it works. So many quirks in this web development environment, still we learn by experience!

5. Calculator: this demonstrates the use of variables to hold input and use the JavaScript onclick facility to perform the calculation to return a value, just enter a couple of numbers and click on 'Show Result', click on the link below to see my work:

The Charity Website
The requirement was to build a 3 page website with working enquiry form to be submitted using FormMail (php); the website is worth 40% of the 30%.  To view my website please click on the link below:


Below is an earlier posting which I felt should stay here to remind me of some of the challenges I encountered during this eventful period.....

Going in here soon will be all the links to the exercises required for my Assignment due on 6th January; but right now the college server will not let me in so it's anyones guess what should be on here.... lol don't you just love computers!