Tuesday, 23 November 2010

I want to run away and CRY....

What a muppet, upload the wrong file for the first Java assignment and get 0%.... Maggie is going to mark it for me anyway and so long as I know the concept, its a stupid mistake I will get over it....

Monday, 22 November 2010

From todays Horoscope....

Good Morning all, another Monday Morning....!

Remember that making a wish is not a passive activity, so focus on your long-term ambitions and then work hard to make them come true.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Database Assessment

Today we completed an assessment of our database knowledge so far! Not the best result for where I am aiming to be in the results.... 12/20 - 60% - Merit. A good lesson to me "with all I am putting into this course, I still have lots to learn"....!

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Reflection time.........

5 weeks completed of my course, I feel it is time for some reflection; What would I change if I could? just one aspect; this is the delivery of the Systems Development module; it may be my learning style as I like to have as much information as I can gather before I embark on a task, watching, doing, reflecting! I feel that this module is being delivered on "self learning" basis, I am given an handout and am left to just copy the code and experiment myself! I would like to see the course delivered in the same style as the other modules where a lecture is delivered followed by the practical workshop.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Assignment 1

Assignment complete, uploaded and just waiting for the result.  Would love to share the programs but you will have to wait until the results are in! Check back around 4th December.