Monday, 27 December 2010

ITTW Assignment Due 6th Jan 2011

OMG! is it really 2:20am, In usual Jacqui Warne style, I decided to change the charity website I had been working on for sometime. So Today with complete peace and quiet me and My Missing Manual on CSS have started to recreat the wheel (or is that the web)! it is still going to take me a few more days to complete, but just how cute are these....

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Java Snowman

My first applet:: click on the link to see my MISSING! he only works if I'm signed into the college server, further investigation required to get this up..... don't hold your breath....! Why does a two minute job take 2 weeks when you would rather party....

Take 3- my Snowman

Yippeedo.... click on Take 3 above to see my snowman, so I exaggerated it did take just a few minutes to sort him....

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Results from the Java Assignment

Thanks to Maggie for marking my 1st Java paper, the results were:

"Your assignments work 100% correctly. You coded the caster program 
differently to me but logically it is just as good." 

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Beaten by the Blizzards

Up at 6am and ready to go, then I hear from my friend Ish that it has snowed all night in Swindon! Thanks Ish you saved me the attempted journey into the unknown!
So today, it will be an "Open University" day, out with the Head First - HTML with XHTML and CSS and master this subject alone! I can do it....

You all keep warm and enjoy your day.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Oh No School tomorrow!

This is week 10 minus 1 for half term and I have missed my first day(Tuesday) due to this rotten horrible cold weather! I have packed my bag for tomorrow and already feel, oh no its too cold to leave the warm house and my duvet... But I am stronger, I will go, if only to find out WHY CSS will not play ball with me....! Nigel I need your help <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="style1.css" /> is trying my patiences....!
This will drag me out of bed at 6am to battle through the blizzard to Swindon in search of the answers to the mystery of CSS....! 'Can Save Soul' sounds better than 'Cascading Style Sheets' DO you all agree...

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

I want to run away and CRY....

What a muppet, upload the wrong file for the first Java assignment and get 0%.... Maggie is going to mark it for me anyway and so long as I know the concept, its a stupid mistake I will get over it....

Monday, 22 November 2010

From todays Horoscope....

Good Morning all, another Monday Morning....!

Remember that making a wish is not a passive activity, so focus on your long-term ambitions and then work hard to make them come true.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Database Assessment

Today we completed an assessment of our database knowledge so far! Not the best result for where I am aiming to be in the results.... 12/20 - 60% - Merit. A good lesson to me "with all I am putting into this course, I still have lots to learn"....!

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Reflection time.........

5 weeks completed of my course, I feel it is time for some reflection; What would I change if I could? just one aspect; this is the delivery of the Systems Development module; it may be my learning style as I like to have as much information as I can gather before I embark on a task, watching, doing, reflecting! I feel that this module is being delivered on "self learning" basis, I am given an handout and am left to just copy the code and experiment myself! I would like to see the course delivered in the same style as the other modules where a lecture is delivered followed by the practical workshop.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Assignment 1

Assignment complete, uploaded and just waiting for the result.  Would love to share the programs but you will have to wait until the results are in! Check back around 4th December.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Java Classes and Methods within

OMG, If you think it has been difficult so far, check out the link below:

"here's another fine mess you have got me into - Jac!"

Java Classes and Methods

Sunday, 17 October 2010

The results of a cold weekend, everything I know about MySQL

What I know about MySQL after a weekend of Study

Click on this link to find out!

Oooooo! Nearly half term

Almost the end of the 1st half of term, one more week then holiday and its only been 4 weeks! a great 4 weeks, I can see this year going in a flash with so many holidays, I will use the time constructively and steam ahead with my development to achieve all the targets I have set myself.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Educate Yourself with W3 Schools

All that you need to know to build your own websites:

Java Week 2, Got it!

Success, java week 2 - All understood, just remember to add the "space +  space value" and the ;
package General;
public class Sums {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
       int num1 = 8;
       int num2 = 3;
       int answer;

       answer = num1 + num2;
       System.out.println ("Sum " + num1 + " / " + num2 + " = " + answer);
       answer = num1 * num2;
       System.out.println ("Value of " + num1 + " * " + num2 + " = " + answer);
       answer = num1 & num2;
       System.out.println("Remaining from " + num1 + " / " + num2 + " = " + answer);
       System.out.println ("Value of num1 is " + num1);
       System.out.println ( "Value of num2 is " + num2);
       num1 = num1 +1;
       System.out.println("Value of num1 is now " + num1);

       System.out.println ("I am now happy with the concept of this remember" +
               " to add the space + ");


Sum 8 / 3 = 0
Value of 8 * 3 = 24
Remaining from 8 / 3 = 0
Value of num1 is 8
Value of num2 is 3
Value of num1 is now 9
I am now happy with the concept of this remember to add the space +
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Homework Complete for tomorrow

Here we are at the end of my study day; all homework is complete; Blog sheet 2 is complete and my virtual partner Bucky has been embedded as a link, he has a cool way of teaching Java - just watch and listen!; 000webhost is created with my student database working, xampp is set up and running, I hope! yeah it is....time to pack my bag for tomorrow then go and have some "me time"

Bucky my Virtual Java Trainer

Horoscopes for Today

Seems I need to focus some more as the work is going to pile up!

This is a link to UWE

I am a student of UWE, you can view my university by clicking on the link below:

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Everyone Welcome

Open all hours - come and share my feelings of Educating Jac!
I am sure we will have some highs and lows; together with loads of FUN!

The first week is complete!

How do I feel? I feel really good, the first week is complete; there have been no surprises, I feel confident that the knowledge I have gain through my career together with the course delivery by experienced lecturers at New College will help me to achieve my fd.  

I went along to the Federation Induction at UWE this was a good opportunity to experience the University and to meet the other side of the coin, I brought away from this day the knowledge that my course is better placed at Swindon, New College, I feel New College has far more to offer me in the containment of the classrooms and the "Human" personalities of the lecturers.

I am studying with a great group of people and already in just the first week we have supported each other in our individual.strengths and weakness.

I am looking forward to the 2 years ahead and hoping we all succeed!

Test Worksheet A

This is a test, as I am editing this!
Here I am with my first blog, thanks Nigel you are a good tutor!

“This is a link to UWE”